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The Standards Commission is an independent body whose purpose is to encourage high ethical standards in public life through the promotion and enforcement of Codes of Conduct for councillors and those appointed to the boards of devolved public bodies.

Consultation on draft Advice Note for Councillors on Distinguishing Between Strategic and Operational Management

7th February 2018

The Councillors’ Code of Conduct provides that a councillor's role is to determine policy and to participate in decisions on matters placed before them and not to engage in direct operational management of the Council’s services (as this is the responsibility of Council officers).  The Standards Commission considered, therefore, that it might be helpful to produce an Advice Note for councillors on the topic.

A draft Advice Note, which is intended to assist councillors in distinguishing between strategic and operational management and complying with the Code, has been produced and can be found here.  We are keen to seek views and obtain feedback on this before it is finalised.  We would be grateful if you could, therefore, send any comments you may have on both the content and the format of the Advice Note to before 28 February 2018.